

The String module from OCaml's standard library.
Operations are meant to be used qualified, e.g., OString.length.
The inner module is named OString to avoid the conflict with with Coq.Strings.String.

String module

Module OString.

Length of an ocaml_string.
Parameter length : ocaml_string -> int.
Extract Inlined Constant length => "String.length".

Index into an ocaml_string.
Equals None if out of bounds.
Parameter get_opt : ocaml_string -> int -> option char.
Extract Constant get_opt =>
  "fun s i -> try Some (String.get s i) with Invalid_argument _ -> None".

Concatenates strings with a separator.
Parameter concat : ocaml_string -> list ocaml_string -> ocaml_string.
Extract Inlined Constant concat => "String.concat".

A representation of a string with special characters represented by their escaped sequences.
Parameter escaped : ocaml_string -> ocaml_string.
Extract Inlined Constant escaped => "String.escaped".

Unsafe functions

Module Unsafe.

Index into an ocaml_string, without an option wrapper.
Throws an exception if out of bounds.
Parameter get : ocaml_string -> int -> char.
Extract Inlined Constant get => "String.get".

Create a string of repeated characters.
Throws an exception if n < 0 or n > Sys.max_string_length.
Parameter make : int -> char -> ocaml_string.
Extract Inlined Constant make => "String.make".

Create a string with a function from indices to characters.
Throws an exception if n < 0 or n > Sys.max_string_length.
Parameter init : int -> (int -> char) -> ocaml_string.
Extract Inlined Constant init => "String.init".

sub i len s is the substring of s with length len starting at index i.
Throws an exception if out of bounds.
Parameter sub : ocaml_string -> int -> int -> ocaml_string.
Extract Inlined Constant sub => "String.sub".

End Unsafe.


Conversion between ocaml_string and list char.
Parameter to_list : ocaml_string -> list char.
Parameter of_list : list char -> ocaml_string.

Axiom from_to_list :
  forall s, to_list (of_list s) = s.
Axiom to_from_list :
  forall s, of_list (to_list s) = s.


Extract Constant to_list =>
  "fun s -> let rec go n z = if n = -1 then z else go (n-1) (String.get s n :: z) in go (String.length s - 1) []".

Extract Constant of_list =>
  "fun z -> Bytes.unsafe_to_string ( let b = Bytes.create (List.length z) in let rec go z i = match z with | c :: z -> Bytes.set b i c; go z (i+1) | [] -> b in go z 0)".

End OString.