Length of an ocaml_string.
Parameter get_opt : ocaml_string -> int -> option char.
Extract Constant get_opt =>
"fun s i -> try Some (String.get s i) with Invalid_argument _ -> None".
Extract Constant get_opt =>
"fun s i -> try Some (String.get s i) with Invalid_argument _ -> None".
Concatenates strings with a separator.
Parameter concat : ocaml_string -> list ocaml_string -> ocaml_string.
Extract Inlined Constant concat => "String.concat".
Extract Inlined Constant concat => "String.concat".
A representation of a string with special characters represented by their
escaped sequences.
Parameter escaped : ocaml_string -> ocaml_string.
Extract Inlined Constant escaped => "String.escaped".
Extract Inlined Constant escaped => "String.escaped".
Create a string of repeated characters.
Throws an exception if n < 0 or n > Sys.max_string_length.
Create a string with a function from indices to characters.
Throws an exception if n < 0 or n > Sys.max_string_length.
Parameter init : int -> (int -> char) -> ocaml_string.
Extract Inlined Constant init => "String.init".
Extract Inlined Constant init => "String.init".
sub i len s is the substring of s with length len
starting at index i.
Throws an exception if out of bounds.
Parameter sub : ocaml_string -> int -> int -> ocaml_string.
Extract Inlined Constant sub => "String.sub".
End Unsafe.
Extract Inlined Constant sub => "String.sub".
End Unsafe.
Parameter to_list : ocaml_string -> list char.
Parameter of_list : list char -> ocaml_string.
Axiom from_to_list :
forall s, to_list (of_list s) = s.
Axiom to_from_list :
forall s, of_list (to_list s) = s.
Parameter of_list : list char -> ocaml_string.
Axiom from_to_list :
forall s, to_list (of_list s) = s.
Axiom to_from_list :
forall s, of_list (to_list s) = s.
Extract Constant to_list =>
"fun s -> let rec go n z = if n = -1 then z else go (n-1) (String.get s n :: z) in go (String.length s - 1) []".
Extract Constant of_list =>
"fun z -> Bytes.unsafe_to_string ( let b = Bytes.create (List.length z) in let rec go z i = match z with | c :: z -> Bytes.set b i c; go z (i+1) | [] -> b in go z 0)".
End OString.