Convert an integer to floating-point.
Multiply by 10e-6.
Unary negation.
Floating-point addition.
Floating-point subtraction.
Floating-point multiplication.
Floating-point division.
Truncate the given floating-point number to an integer.
The result is unspecified if the argument is nan or falls outside the
range of representable integers.
Convert the given string to a float. The string is read in decimal
(by default) or in hexadecimal (marked by 0x or 0X).
The format of decimal floating-point numbers is
[-] dd.ddd (e|E) [+|-] dd , where d stands for a decimal digit.
The format of hexadecimal floating-point numbers is
[-] 0(x|X) hh.hhh (p|P) [+|-] dd , where h stands for an
hexadecimal digit and d for a decimal digit.
In both cases, at least one of the integer and fractional parts must be
given; the exponent part is optional.
The _ (underscore) character can appear anywhere in the string
and is ignored.
Depending on the execution platforms, other representations of
floating-point numbers can be accepted, but should not be relied upon.
Raise Failure "float_of_string" if the given string is not a valid
representation of a float.
Return the string representation of a floating-point number.