Stdlib functions using nat instead of int
Definition print_nat : nat -> IO unit :=
fun n => print_int (int_of_nat n).
Definition prerr_nat : nat -> IO unit :=
fun n => prerr_int (int_of_nat n).
Definition read_nat : IO nat := nat_of_int read_int.
Definition read_nat_opt : IO (option nat) := (option_map nat_of_int) read_int_opt.
Definition output_nat : out_channel -> nat -> IO unit :=
fun h n => output_string h (ostring_of_int (int_of_nat n)).
Definition output_byte_nat : out_channel -> nat -> IO unit :=
fun h n => output_byte h (int_of_nat n).
Definition input_byte_nat : in_channel -> IO nat :=
fun h => nat_of_int (input_byte h).
Definition incr_ref_nat : ref nat -> IO unit :=
fun r =>
n <- read_ref r;;
write_ref r (Nat.succ n).
N.B.: 0 decreases to 0.