
System interface

Note: descriptions of the interface are derived from OCaml's documentation:

Module OSys.

Execute the given shell command and return its exit code. The argument of Sys.command is generally the name of a command followed by zero, one or several arguments, separated by whitespace. The given argument is interpreted by a shell: either the Windows shell cmd.exe for the Win32 ports of OCaml, or the POSIX shell sh for other ports. It can contain shell builtin commands such as echo, and also special characters such as file redirections > and <, which will be honored by the shell. Conversely, whitespace or special shell characters occurring in command names or in their arguments must be quoted or escaped so that the shell does not interpret them. The quoting rules vary between the POSIX shell and the Windows shell. The Filename.quote_command performs the appropriate quoting given a command name, a list of arguments, and optional file redirections.
Parameter command: ocaml_string -> IO int.

Return the value associated to a variable in the process environment. Raise Not_found if the variable is unbound.
Return the value associated to a variable in the process environment or None if the variable is unbound.
Return the processor time, in seconds, used by the program since the beginning of execution.
Parameter time : IO float.

Parameter argv : IO (list ocaml_string).


Extract Constant command => "fun c k -> k (Sys.command c)".
Extract Constant getenv => "fun e k -> k (Sys.getenv e)".
Extract Constant getenv_opt => "fun e k -> k (Sys.getenv_opt e)".
Extract Constant time => "fun k -> k (Sys.time ())".
Extract Constant argv => "fun k -> k (Array.to_list (Sys.argv))".

End OSys.