Catch End_of_file exceptions.
Parameter catch_eof : forall {a : Type}, IO a -> IO (option a).
Extract Constant catch_eof =>
"(fun io k -> k (try Obj.magic io (fun a -> Some a) with | End_of_file -> None))".
Extract Constant catch_eof =>
"(fun io k -> k (try Obj.magic io (fun a -> Some a) with | End_of_file -> None))".
Catch Invalid_argument _ exceptions.
Parameter catch_invalid_arg : forall {a : Type}, IO a -> IO (option a).
Extract Constant catch_invalid_arg =>
"(fun io k -> k (try Obj.magic io (fun a -> Some a) with | Invalid_argument _ -> None))".
Extract Constant catch_invalid_arg =>
"(fun io k -> k (try Obj.magic io (fun a -> Some a) with | Invalid_argument _ -> None))".
Catch Failure _ exceptions.
Parameter catch_failure : forall {a : Type}, IO a -> IO (option a).
Extract Constant catch_failure =>
"(fun io k -> k (try Obj.magic io (fun a -> Some a) with | Failure _ -> None))".
Extract Constant catch_failure =>
"(fun io k -> k (try Obj.magic io (fun a -> Some a) with | Failure _ -> None))".
Catch Not_found exceptions.
Parameter catch_not_found : forall {a : Type}, IO a -> IO (option a).
Extract Constant catch_not_found =>
"(fun io k -> k (try Obj.magic io (fun a -> Some a) with | Not_found -> None))".
Extract Constant catch_not_found =>
"(fun io k -> k (try Obj.magic io (fun a -> Some a) with | Not_found -> None))".
Catch Sys_error exceptions.
Parameter catch_sys_error : forall {a : Type}, IO a -> IO (option a).
Extract Constant catch_sys_error =>
"(fun io k -> k (try Obj.magic io (fun a -> Some a) with | Sys_error _ -> None))".
Extract Constant catch_sys_error =>
"(fun io k -> k (try Obj.magic io (fun a -> Some a) with | Sys_error _ -> None))".
Catch any exception.